Call For Media and Government Investigation

of Sathya Sai Baba And his worldwide cult, the Sathya Sai Organization

Sathya Sai Baba’s Amazing Predictions

Posted by Barry Pittard on November 3, 2008

A decade ago, Sathya Sai Baba informed his devotees that his aircraft is about to take off to bring his mission to the whole world.

That this was stated in no metaphorical sense is well-indicated, for he has told various of his key leaders that he would visit Rome, the UK., Malaysia, southern California.

We know that the wealthy Robert Baskin, a key lawyer to the Sathya Sai Organization, has bought a luxury mansion in southern California, equipping it to receive a visit from Sai Baba. See:

Wealthy Americans Prepare Mansions For “God’s” Visit

The late Howard Murphet, Australian journalist and author of best-selling books on Sai Baba, with whom he was close for years, wrote:

“Swami once, a good many years ago told me that He would not travel abroad until His own house was in order, by that He means India, of course”. Source: Online version, “The Lights of Home”

Wheelchair 'Avatar' to "Travel World"

Can a wheelchair-

bound ‘world Avatar’ travel the world?

Sai Baba’s Back Yard Still in Shocking State

But a badly ailing Sai Baba has not put his own house, India, in order. See:

Has Sathya Sai Baba Moved An Inch To Clean Up His Yard?
Two Indias. Barry Pittard Reflects On India Days
Will World Accept Sathya Sai Baba? He Says Yes. Very Soon
When Disasters Overtake S. Sai Baba’s Promises
Human Rights World Report 2008. India In Sore Shape
CNN-IBN Reports Action On Corrupt Indian Gurus
Indian Gurus Stifle India’s Chance To Excel
India Lead World? Sai Baba Says Yes. Robert Priddy No
Inequality before the law in India
The Ageless 'Avatar'

Ageless - Old 'Avatars' never die, but merely fade away

How indeed shall a failed ‘Avatar’ save himself?

Recent Statement

There is no end to his failed predictions. In his February 1 16, 2007 (so-called ‘divine discourse’, Sai baba said:

“I intend to undertake a world tour, shortly.”

But the runway, like his own imagination, would seem to have run away on him. He celebrates his 83rd birthday this November 23rd.

Unlike his physical body, the following quoted words of his have no difficulty in flying around the world to his many devotees. But they represent just one more example of his myriad failed predictions:

‘Swami’s mission has made this turn to face the runway. The 70th birthday was the signal from the tower to accelerate. In the 75th birthday, the airplane will leave the ground’. Sri Sathya Sai Newsletter, USA, 31, Winter 1996-1997, 29.)

Or here again:

“Bhagavan told the group of his students, that His mission can be compared with an aeroplane that is going to take off. Up to 70th birthday his mission would be like an aeroplane going along the take-off track and gaining speed. These days the aeroplane is rushing and speeding up and will take off at the 75th birthday”. Sai Reflections: The UK Sai Organisation. Quarterly Magazine: February, 1997, p.15)

Sai Baba’s Deteriorating Health Affects His Judgment

It becomes increasingly easy to see how Sai Baba’s declining health has deleterious effects on his judgment, leading him into making statements that expose him very effectively. See my article:

Idi Amin Video Clip. Amin Claimed Direct Line To God


“Sathya Sai Baba has reminisced on how Idi Amin wept tears of devotion for him, when he visited Uganda in 1968. Actually, Sai Baba goes a step further than Amin, proclaiming that he is the Divine Incarnation surpassing all Incarnations. His devotee propagandists are now fervently downplaying his actual claims by telling the wider public that Sai Baba simply says that “all are God”. Their intellectual dishonesty is patent, for they know full well that he has long and often claimed to have incarnated to save the whole world in his own lifetime, saying that he came as Sri Ram, Sri Krishna, Shirdi Sai Baba, and will return soon after he dies (not that he uses this word!) as Prema Sai Baba”.

See also my articles:

Sathya Sai Baba’s Deputy Head, Dr G. Venkataraman, Speaks of “Mr Idi Amin”
The Last King of Scotland – GOD’S ORDERS and Sai Baba

Quote from my article:

Has ‘World Saviour’ Missed His Plane?

“The late Dr D.J. (Dhirubhai Jagjivandas) Gardhia, a UK citizen formerly of Uganda, who Sai Baba married, was an old acquaintance of mine. He told me at Whitefield in March or April 1998 that Sathya Sai Baba had told him that a) the present round of Gardhia’s visits was the last tour around the world he wanted Gardhia to make speaking at his specific request and b) that he would be visiting Rome, Southern California, Malaysia and the UK. Gardhia shared the same information with many, and it was published in the official UK Sai newsletter” …

But the would-be ‘Avatar’ says:

“The attributes of the Avatars are beyond human comprehension…. Rama and Krishna were ever youthful. Have you ever seen a picture of Rama or Krishna with grey hair?….. Usually old people have wrinkles on their faces … I do not have any signs of old age. (loud applause). There is not a single wrinkle on My face”. Sanathana Sarathi, October, 2002. See

Sathya Sai Baba’s Tips To Keep Ageing Away


Further Resources – Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed’ at
Sathya Sai Baba Birthday Celebrations
Posted by robertpriddy on October 29, 2008
Sai Baba’s Mission to Save India
Posted on July 12, 2008
Sai Baba’s health – miracle or self-sacrifice?
Posted on July 11, 2008
82nd Birthday of Sathya Sai Baba
Posted on November 22, 2007
Ageing and collapse in Sai Baba’s health
Posted on August 22, 2007

8 Responses to “Sathya Sai Baba’s Amazing Predictions”

  1. […] Sathya Sai Baba’s aircraft and world tour A decade ago, Sathya Sai Baba informed his devotees that his aircraft is about to take off to bring his mission to the whole world… he told key leaders that he would visit Rome, the UK., Malaysia, Southern California… and last year he proclaimed in a discourse that “I am minded to make a world tour” […]

  2. […] Sathya Sai Baba’s Amazing Predictions […]

  3. […] Sathya Sai Baba’s Amazing Predictions […]

  4. […] Baba 84th Birthday Celebrations. Will 21st Century India Tolerate The Shame That Is Puttaparthi? Sathya Sai Baba's Amazing Predictionsthumb-secretes-miraculous-ring-under-sai-babas-hand-blow-up1Vivekananda Has Come Again, Says Sai […]

  5. […] Sathya Sai Baba’s Amazing Predictions […]

  6. […] Sathya Sai Baba’s Amazing Predictions  […]

  7. […] In a matter of days, rosy reports emanating from official Puttaparthi sources about Sai Baba’s condition are now shown to be either pipe dreams or deliberate gloss. Of course it is conceivable that his leaders who control the bulletins to the media, government and Sathya Sai Organization etc., are unable to believe that their guru can die very soon. He had long prophesied matters very differently. […]

  8. […] Exposes Fake Sathya Sai Baba MiracleV.P.B. Nair. B.Premanand. R.Priddy: Sai Baba Bedroom Killings Sathya Sai Baba's Amazing PredictionsSathya Sai Health Condition "Very Critical", Says Sai Hospital Head (21 April)BBC's 'The Secret […]

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