Call For Media and Government Investigation

of Sathya Sai Baba And his worldwide cult, the Sathya Sai Organization

Posts Tagged ‘World Trade Center’

Michael Goldstein’s Chilling 9/11 Remarks

Posted by Barry Pittard on September 1, 2008

Chairman of the worldwide Sathya Sai Organization, Dr Michael Goldstein of Covina, southern California – once in an email widely circulated to the Sai cult devotees – made extraordinary statements about 9/11.

Become A Sai Devotee And Get Terrorist-Proof

Here is the statement from Dr Goldstein, a medical doctor of Covina, California, USA. A second reading may be required before the enormity of his statement quite sinks in.

“A number of reports have been received from (Sai Baba) devotees indicating that our Beloved Swami prevented many of his devotees from being injured or killed in the World Trade Center where they are employed or had meetings scheduled. His Miraculous Intervention on behalf of His devotees is clearly evident… They were either late or never arrived…”

Dr Michael Goldstein also stated at a public meeting in Buenos Aires, attended by some 1500 Sathya Sai Baba devotees, October 20, 2001:

“There are many (Sai Baba) devotees that worked in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon… And none of them went to work that day, or they arrived late…all the New York and Washington devotees are safe…”

More sinking-in to do …

Dr Michael Goldstein. Love All Serve All

Dr Michael Goldstein. Love All Serve All

Silence – A Cult’s Second ‘Language’

This is the same Michael Goldstein who, along with Sathya Sai Baba’s very carefully-chosen core servitors, has remained silent about crucial Sai cult facts for many years. For example,  about the (also enormous) fact that those many who have left the international Sathya Sai Organization were for decades regarded in that fold as fine citizens, good parents, tireless and dedicated workers in the social and uplift programs of the organization, esteemed in their trades and professions and communities at large, and so on.

In short, it is singular that those who so often utter notions of truth, right conduct, peace, love and non-violence can remain silent in the face of the very  denial of these qualities. That is to say, stand aside and allow others to form mistaken judgements that assume the sudden terribleness of people whom Sathya Sai Baba devotees have for decades regarded as evidencing these fine  qualities.

Sathya Sai Baba Cult Cultivates Mainstream Organizations

Those in government, civic, interfaith and other mainstream organs have a right to question Goldstein and other Sathya Sai Baba leaders who so assiduously cultivate them to question why a great organization like the BBC – see BBC Hidden Camera in ‘Secret Swami’. Ethical? – would take the unusual resort of using a hidden camera in interviewing Dr Goldstein:

They can ask – is it true that:

  • Those formerly in excellent standing with your organization have left it?
  • That they had made their own investigations among the families, claiming that their young male family members had given very disturbing accounts of Sathya Sai Baba sexually abusing them?
  • They came to you, Dr Goldstein, in great distress and you dismissed their concerns and failed to act in a way that any ethical organization today would do? (Not to mention that you are a medical doctor)
  • There were extensive cover-ups regarding the June 6, 1993 killings in Sathya Sai Baba’s bedroom?
  • There have been serious scams over the years in regard to the purchase by devotees of apartments at your guru’s ashram?
  • Your teacher claims not only that all are God but the he is the world saviour who will save the whole world from the direst catastrophes within the span of his own lifetime?

These are but starter questions …

For Viewing

The BBC’s ‘The Secret Swami’. Broadband (154 mb)

For Reading

The BBC’s ‘The Secret Swami’ – A Revision

Sathya Sai Baba World Cult Leaders Fail To Meet Concerns on Libel

Sathya Sai Baba Organization and Libel and Disinformation

‘World Avatar’ Sathya Sai Baba’s Troubled Trail

Testimony To BBC – After Years of Silence

‘God’s’ Ex-Shah, Indulal Shah

BBC’s ‘The Secret Swami’ and British Press Praise

Timothy Conway Ph.D on: The Crucial John Hislop Letters

When Huge Cult Is A Small Shop. Sai Cult Legal Tricks

Sathya Sai Baba World Cult At Odds With Itself


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