Call For Media and Government Investigation

of Sathya Sai Baba And his worldwide cult, the Sathya Sai Organization

Indian Study On Child Abuse. Robert Priddy Comments

Posted by Barry Pittard on April 22, 2007

Following the recent landmark Government of India study on child abuse in India (Click here), Robert Priddy contextualizes the findings to the Sai Baba issue. Until he retired, he taught philosophy and social science at the University of Oslo, and was the head of the Sathya Sai Organization in Norway. His article is:
Sathya Sai Baba still Very Widely Accused of Sexual Abuse.

The following is a quote from the Priddy article:

“Extremely revealing facts emerging about child sexual abuse in India: The overall credibility of such claims about Sathya Sai Baba is increased notably on the background of the recent release of official research results concerning child sex abuse in India, which indicate that 53% of India’s 40 million children have been subjected to one form or another of sexual abuse (click here) – and it is worst for boys! Compared with 39% of girls who faced sexual abuse, there was 48% of boys! This indicates that homosexual practices including fellatio and sodomy with minors are very widespread in India.
Taboos and cover-ups:

The Indian governmental research report makes clear “The subject of child abuse is still a taboo in India. There is a conspiracy of silence around the subject and a very large percentage of people feel that this is a largely western problem and that child abuse does not happen in India. Part of the reason of course lies in a traditional conservative family and community structure that does not talk about sex and sexuality at all… this silence encourages the abuser and to press his advantage to subject the child to more severe forms of sexual abuse.” This fact alone helps one understand why Sathya Sai Baba and those involved around him have been able to continue this behaviour and extend it vastly, according to reports from defectors and particularly non-Indian victims. Even the devotee parents of most Indian students who allege abuse (mostly in strict confidence to respected investigators) will not listen to the facts from  their sons! These adults hang onto their belief that Sathya Sai Baba is God Incarnate and can do no wrong – even to the point of considering anything sexual he may choose to do to be fore the benefit of the molested! This disgrace will not be tolerated by the world at large, and these allegations will never be silenced but will only increase with the years and greater openness in India over such matters”.

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